Wednesday, November 05, 2008

"the times, they are a-changin'"

Wow, America, wow. 52% of Americans want Barack Obama as president and now it has come true. I could not be more grateful. This does wonders to break down race barriers and culture barriers. Wow.

Things at work were interesting this morning. My direct boss is super conservative and so is another guy who hangs around our department. They started going on and on about how people are going to be sorry, taxes are going to go up (uhh... they were going to go up anyway, dudes), this is not the magical cure for America. Then the guy (not by boss) go up in my co-workers grill and said "it's because of motherfuckers like you that this happened!" Holy crap. Yes, I'm happy. But I'm not shouting at the top of my lungs about it. Yes, I would have been crushed if Obama lost. But I wouldn't go around cursing conservative co-workers. That is not the solution, my friends. That is just perpetuating the same hate and ignorance this country does not need. It's time for us Americans to be seen as more than slack-jawed yokels with extreme power. I want to know that if I ever live abroad, I can be proud of my country for being progressive and correcting its racial prejudice. That's all.

This also means that a vow I took last week must come to pass. I told myself that if Obama wins I would get my ears pierced. So here goes. After 26 years of never having my ear lobes messed with, I'm doing it. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

I am SO making you jewelry for Christmas. Do you think you will enjoy studs or danglies better? I can't see you with danglies, so I will focus on the studs... but would you wear danglies? because they are more fun to make. Ooh, I am excited for you, for America, and for having Christmas almost taken care of all in one day! woot!

Anonymous said...

I am SO making you jewelry for Christmas. Do you think you will enjoy studs or danglies better? I can't see you with danglies, so I will focus on the studs... but would you wear danglies? because they are more fun to make. Ooh, I am excited for you, for America, and for having Christmas almost taken care of all in one day! woot!