Friday, November 14, 2008

This post brought to you by: Jack Daniels bourbon. And the letter Q.

Wow. This week has been extremely stressful. I have been wrestling with HTML all week long. At first, the server wouldn't work. Then, I couldn't access my page to make edits from the Windows side of my computer. I called in sick Wednesday to work on this assignment but I was not able to get very far. I sent multiple e-mails to my teacher along with posting on the discussion board for this class. Nothing that was suggested to me helped. I didn't go to my internship yesterday to work on this assignment. I called into work again today to work on it. Last night was particularly rough. I couldn't get to sleep until 1:00 am and then I woke up at 5:30 am and I couldn't get back to sleep until 7 am. So... great. I finally got help from my wonderful friend Sarah! And everything is fixed! And I turned it in!

I decided that this occasion called for a whiskey. I'm technically not supposed to drink but that really only means I can't drink beer. I went to this really crappy bar down the street from my apartment. It wasn't quite seven so I figured it would be really easy to sit at the bar, drink my whiskey and go home. The bar was packed! The only seat I could find was between these two old regulars. So I just drank my whiskey as fast as I could and now I'm home. Thankfully done with this assignment. I totally deserved this whiskey. And I'm down a pound since Wednesday! Hooray!

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