Ok, so I totally didn't post yesterday. I'll tell you what I was doing though.
For those who don't know this, I'm attending Wayne State University and I'm in the Masters for Library and Information Science program. I'm just finishing up my first semester and I am excited about this program but frustrated at the beginner classes. So far, one of my favorite things I've learned is how to hand code HTML and CSS. This week I plan on working on that a littler more because it's a giant puzzle. I type in these weird commands and scripts and then it turns into a beautiful website. It's pretty cool.
I had this huge assignment due yesterday for one of my classes. It involved looking up a couple of topics in ten different sources each. All of the paper indexes are in the basement of the library that my classes are in. That's all that's in the basement. I would have been a little more creeped out but there were a couple of other girls from a different class working on the same assignment. So I worked really hard, for four hours today and two hours yesterday, trying to finish this assignment. It totaled 35 pages and then I had to print out page from the on-line sources and make copies of the print sources. I got to class early, giant assignment in hand, and my friend Lindsay said, "Oh, I don't think that's due in another couple of weeks. We had this other assignment [that is way easier and NOT 35 pages long] due." Great. The upside is that I talked to the professor and she was very impressed that I got this done in one week (I just hope it doesn't turn out to be crap) and used it to illustrate to the rest of the class how you would go about starting this assignment. And I can turn the other assignment in whenever I get a chance.
I'll probably post again tonight seeing as how it's Election Day and I'm going to the polls soon but also working at a library that is a polling place later. Oh, the stories!
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