Friday, November 21, 2008

Dinner fiasco.

One of the things that I'm glad I'm doing is eating more vegetables. I've gotten very good at cooking all kinds of vegetables that I never really cooked before. And I've gotten adventurous, too. I bought an eggplant the other day because I thought it would be fun to make it. I could remember having eggplant in a stir fry once and not minding it. Because this next week I'm going on a little "resetting my metabolism" week, I can only eat green vegetables. I thought tonight would be a good night to use the eggplant.

I found this recipe on-line that required using eggs and baking the eggplant with some spices. So I decided that I could invent something. I took some EggBeaters and mixed pepper, paprika, and chili powder together. Then I cut up the eggplant and soaked it in the batter and put them in two pans to bake.

Here's what they looked like before I put them in the oven. It didn't look too bad and I was kind of excited to eat it. Since Boyfriend was at work, I asked my roommate if she would want some and she said that she would. So I baked the eggplant for a half an hour while I finished up a school project.

When the food was done, I took it out of the oven. I could see that some of the slices were still wet from the egg batter but I figured it didn't matter. I grabbed a bowl and scooped up some slices and headed into my room.

It didn't look that much different when I took it out. It definitely looked baked and it looked pretty good. I took one bite and thought, "hey, this isn't so bad. Kind of chewy but good." About halfway through the piece, the taste of old socks showed up. I kept chewing, thinking maybe I was imagining it. I ate another piece and it was not my imagination. Baked eggplant = awful. I'm sure there's a way to bake it that would make it not taste like dirty socks but there are only so many things that I can eat right now and I'm pretty sure that "magical eggplant juice" is not on that list. In a little bit I'm headed off to Meijer to buy non-dirty sock tasting foods. Sigh.

1 comment:

semisara said...

That sucks! I hope you try again (maybe with a different recipe!) because eggplants are soooo delicious when cooked in correctly :)

In the summer in Japan here, we even slice them thinly, grill them for a few minutes until they're soft, then eat them dipped in soy sauce and wasabi. I don't know if it fits in your diet plan, but they're also good cut into rounds with ground beef and spices on top, then baked. Or in the Japanese version of a Chinese dish, Mabo Nasu! (