Wednesday, November 26, 2008

These are my confessions....

Ok, I have to say something about this. I've been dealing with these... feelings for a while and I haven't really told anyone outside of my apartment. At first I was ashamed of how I felt but then I realized, you know what? Who gives a shit? I am my own person and I can feel whatever I want to feel. I thought that in the interest of opening my soul, I would share my feelings here, because you care, and because I felt that I should post some juicy info as an excuse for not posting for the last couple days.

I've been too busy... listening to Beyonce. I know, I know. I never thought it would be like this. I always regarded Beyonce, and pop music in general, with the anti-Lauren. Sure, there was that one time I started listening to Journey to be ironic and then started to really like Journey. And that time when I thought I liked the Spice Girls. This is serious. I think that it started last week when she was on Saturday Night Live. She sang her newest hit, "Single Ladies", and I couldn't get it out of my head. Or the dancing! I am obsessed right now with learning the dance to this song. I blame that on all of this extra energy that I've had since losing weight. But seriously, I like Beyonce. I think she's amazing.

I solidified my feelings when she was the only guest on Ellen's talk show yesterday. She sang the "Single Ladies" song along with another song that she performed on SNL. I didn't like that song when it was on SNL, I think because I was shocked by this creature. But after the Ellen show, I kind of like that song, too. Don't get me wrong, I still adore Morrissey, the Smiths, the Clash, Led Zeppelin, and many others. But I've found the missing piece in my musical life. And that is: Booty Music.


Michelle said...

you surprise me every day

semisara said...

If you're going to listen to booty music, I'd say Beyonce is a pretty good choice! Destiny's Child has some pretty awesome videos too.