this is a picture inside neuschwanstein. i was totally allowed to take this picture. yup. totally.

look at the mountains!!!!!! look at them! this was the view from the castle.

this is sheree and i with the castle. there's a little bridge where you can go out and get really awesome pictures of the castles and a cute little waterfall. the bridge was kind of scary but not as bad as i thought. it still made me want to throw things off the bridge though. things like my camera. luckily, i resisted the urges.

this is the big glockenspiel in munich. what isn't visible from this picture (or any of the following ones really) is that IT WAS RAINING SO BLOODY HARD!!!!!! my shoes were soaked! it was really annoying.

this is one of the many lions adorning munich. i like him. he's a festive bavarian lion!

this is me in front of the FISH FOUNTAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can see that i'm holding an umbrella but that's the only real evidence that it may be raining. trust me. it was raining.

this is sheree and i with our giant one liter beers at the hofbräuhaus. we came there to dry ourselves. i want to point out something: my hair is a bit shorter now than in this picture because i went to get a trim and she ended up taking about four inches off. that made me sad.

and this is just me with a giant thing of beer that was really, really heavy. it's probably good that they don't sell beer by the liter in america. that would get out of hand maybe.

this is the empty beer glass.

this is the oompah band at the hofbräuhaus. pretty bavarian. there was also some impressive facial hair there but i couldn't really take a picture of them without the people noticing.

after the beer hall, we went to the english gardens and we saw a lot of ducks, geese, a swan, and some weird birds that i don't know. i took a lot lot lot of pictures of them. i also took short videos of them. don't laugh.

more water fowl.
that's it for the munich trip. soon i will post about my berlin trip and i don't think there are any animal pictures from that group. interesting.
Lions and lagers and beers, oh my!
a stein of beer, nice. try some spaten optimator if you get a chance. great stuff.
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