last weekend i went to brussels. it's about a three hour train ride away and we left early in the morning. when we got to brussels, i took this as a good omen: batman!

this is the mannequin pis. the story of this statue is that a nobleman and his young son were walking around when his son got lost. the nobleman looked for his son but couldn't find him. a day, or a couple days later, he saw his son peeing on a street corner. he was so happy at the return of his son, he decided to put up a stautue in the exact position his son had been found in. now the people of brussels dress it up sometimes for special occasions.

this is a bunch of lavender bushels. brussels is known for lavender apparently.

this is a statue in the courtyard of the old city hall. we couldn't actually go in the city hall which was kind of a bummer.

this is the city hall.

this is a statue for all the martyrs. there are a bunch of names (i'm assiming of martyrs) listed on bronze panels below the statue but i couldn't figure out how to get down there to get a better look.

this is the crazy chair thing in the church of notre dame de finistère. it's completely made out of wood and is awesome.

this is the cathedral in brussels. because we went there sunday morning, we could go inside the church but couldn't walk around or take pictures because there was a service in progress.

this is the front of the palace in brussels. again, we couldn't go into the palace which was a real bummer but we did get to have a look around the old palace ruins under tha palace. the cool thing about going to see the ruins is that you have to enter this code to go through the door so we felt like we were spies or something. that was fun.

this is a really cool fountain. the top part spins around, probably due to water pressure.
so... brussels. not really that interesting of a town. we probably could have been there only for a day and seen all of this. but we did go to a really neat art museum on sunday. anyway, that's all for now.
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