this is a picture somewhere around königswinter.

this is definitely a picture of königswinter. you can see the castle ruins in the background. they look a lot smaller from down here. it's also a picture of part of the siebengebirge.

this is me, hanna, and sheree. hanna is from finland and is awesome. i want to go to finland now. she knows about five languages....

this is sheree, laura, and emily. laura is also from finland and is also awesome. like i said, finland must be a great place to live. and their language has *no* articles. not one "the" or "a". the only thing i've learned to say in finnish is "i am a bug". very useful.

last night i went to see the strokes, one of my favorite bands, in concert. it was SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!one this is actually a picture of the opening band, the eagles of death metal, who were ok but they're name is a lot better than they are. but the lead singer has got some really awesome moustache. you can't tell from here, but trust me, it's awesome.

ok, these are the strokes playing. i tried to pick the pictures that best showed that there were acutally people on stage. i couldn't get close enough to take better pictures due to the fact that the average height of the audience was eight feet, nine inches. ok, perhaps that's an exaggeration.

this is another picture of them. i was really excited to see them and to dance because i haven't danced in a while. i didn't mind so much being in the back because it gave me more room but i think there was a couple standing behind me that weren't amused by the dancing. oh well, they moved.

the lights at the concert were really cool, too. i should have taken a little video but my camera can't record sound so it would have been weird.

these last two pictures were probably the best that i took.
that's all for now. saturday is my birthday (sigh) so i'll have pictures from that soon. i definitely going to the aquarium and there's a free concert that day, too. neat.