remember a few posts back when i said that i would upload more königswinter pictures when i went back on a nicer day? this is that day. well, last tuesday was that day. this is a picture from way up high in the königswinter hill things.

see that tower thing hiding in the mist? that's the deutsche post tower in bonn. that's right, i could see bonn from way up there. it was windy, too.

this is a picture of the castle-type ruin that we eventually climbed up to. it's pretty neat looking even though there isn't much to look at. i think dad thought it was cooler than i did. that architectness i suppose.

donkeys+pferdchens= tons of pictures taken by lauren's camera.

this is a part of the drachenburg schloss. as you can see, it is under construction. as is half of everything to see in all of europe practically. they would only let you go through the parts that had already been renovated so that meant only the tower. but, if you're sneaky like i am, you find unlatched fence doors and take pictures inside for a bit.

this is the tower from the ground. trust me, it's a lot higher than it looks. there's some part of it that you can't see from this picture or any of them, really, because it's hiding above one of the parts here. it's tall. and the staircase is tiny.

this is the inside, or what i could see of it through these glass panes. you couldn't actually go inside for some unknown reason. even though it looked like you could and there were at least three doors just taunting us. stupid renovations.

this is one tower of the palace from the other, newly renovated one.

this is proof that my parents are here. well, dad at least. this is us (dad and i) on top of the tower outside. it started raining while we were up here. and it was windy. and i thought i heard owls. everywhere. clearly, i had been up there too long.

this is a picture of an outdoor swimming pool way in the hills. i have made it a mission of mine to swim there soon.
stay tuned for parts two and three: where will (did) we go next? what did we do? did i find more animals to take too many picutres of? find out next time on "parents in germany" a BBC special.
more pictures of mom and dad!
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
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