this is the wax museum in the main square in amsterdam. we didn't have time to go but i think i'll go back there sometime and go there. i've never been to a wax museum.

this is a church or something in the main square. i say "or something" because it looks like a church but it has signs saying that there's some exhibit for something which makes me think it's not really a church. i should learn what things are before i post pictures of them, huh?

this is one of the many canals in amsterdam. this one happens to be outside my friend sheree's parents' house. i'm so jealous that they have a canal.

this is a clock tower. it tells the time. that is all.

this is the national monement in the main square. it was pretty neat and impressive.

i thought that amsterdam was a good place to try out the "night" setting on my camera. this is a random street in amsterdam. i think it looks really cool, even if you can't really tell what was in the picture. i like the lights.

the second day, we went to the anne frank house. this is a picture of how long the line was to get in. it was raining. in case you didn't pick up on that from the umbrellas. the museum was really interesting and kind of eerie. it was a neat learning experience.

this is the front of the anne frank house.

ok ok, this was one of the highlights of my trip this weekend: carrot balls. i'm not kidding. it's a little snack bag of perfectly round carrot balls. i would go back just for these.

carrot ball up close. THEY ARE SO AWESOME!!!!!!!
Frankly waxing nostalgic about monumental visits taken; canal most feel am there,damn!
love, -the unrealspa.
I could have sworn you've been to a wax museum with me before... maybe the three of us went to one in Vancouver though. You should go and take a picture of someone you'd think I'd like!
p.s. why did he write so weird!?
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