this is popplesdorfer schloss. "schloss" means palace in german. this is owned by the school and i think some of the science classes are held there. i was in there once for an informational meeting. it was exciting. ok, not really.

this is the beethoven statue in münsterplatz. that lovely yellow building behind it is the post office.

this is the alt rathaus. or, if you prefer english, the old city hall. i haven't been inside but i don't know if i can go inside. it is pink. i find that funny.

this is a pretty tree. there are tons of these trees. all of a sudden, they all started blooming. and shedding their pretty pink petals. i had never seen them flower before the day where they all seemed to burst into bloom. it was weird.

this is the university of bonn. where i am currently a student. i only have one class in this building though. this building used to be a palace. who else can say that they go to school in a palace? huh? anyone? didn't think so.
and that is my beautiful city. well, not mine, i don't own it. but you get the idea.