ok, so we went to this replica of a 1700s farm or something. i don't know. it was pretty boring honestly. our tour guide kept going on and on about stuff that i didn't really find interesting so i zoned out most of the time. sorry. i'm a bad student. anyway, this is a picture of a building and a thing there. the whole place was basically like that. the only time the group got excited about anything there was for the animals. you'll see in a minute....

this was in the schoolroom. i like it. it's cute.

i seriously took about 20 pictures of the goats. this is one of the best ones. i have some "blurry goat pictures" if anyone's interested. goats move too fast...

i'm probably going to get bird flu from being this close to these chickens.

and then we found the cats....


ok, admittedly, this is a pretty cool picture. but since we're being honest, i mainly took it for the cat. i'm such a bad student....

this is a picture of the TOTALLY ROCKING POSTER that my friend justin sent me to make me feel more at home. IT'S SO AWESOME!!!!!! i put it on the wall opposite my bed so it's the first thing i see in the morning. thank you james young and co., thank you.
and that's the update. i think you'll agree that these pictures are more lauren-like. and hopefully more interesting. stay tuned next time for "conclusion of the mystery of the flaming pole".
Boring or not, more architecture (I know, there's still plenty of time) and less arcattecture please.
checked in again. realized "g for goose" appropriate since you're in g ermany. nice connection.
I like the goat. : )
um the cat pictures are way cool.
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