SEEPFERDCHEN!!!!!!! they had a bunch of little seahorses. here's one of the best pictures i have of them.

here are some jellyfish. i wish the picture turned out better but they had a black light so you could see the jellyfish, that's why that one is glowing. but black light doesn't like to be photographed.

that little thing is a dogfish shark. there was this big pool where you could look over the tank at them. because there were so many people in the room, the sharks and rays kept poking their noses out of the water. i had my head a little over the edge to stare down into the water when one of the tiny sharks came halfway out of the water right in front of me. if i hadn't breathed and scared it away, it would have touched me. that would have been so cool.

and this is a sting ray. one of them almost touched me, too. it was really funny and weird to see them stick their noses and bodies out of the water. super funny.

and this is me on a dolphin. emily kept trying to make me wear this hat that we bought for her birthday but i kept taking it off. notice i'm not wearing it in this picture. in fact, i only have one picture where i'm wearing it. it was really ridiculous. i kind of regret getting it for emily... i didn't think she's make me wear it...

the we went swimming. this is a picture of the cheesecake that emily made and sheree brought to the swimming pool. for about a week before my birthday, emily kept talking about how she had this really great surprise thing for my birthday. and this is what it was! see, mom, you should make me one when i get back. and emily didn't think it was too hot outside to make a cheesecake. and we don't even have air conditioning here....

after swimming, we went to rheinkultur, which is the biggest free festival in germany. they have five stages set up and it goes all day long. there are tons of bands playing, too. the cool thing about this night was that one of my favorite bands, death cab for cutie, were playing. FOR FREE! it was pretty cool. but this picture just shows how many people were at the festival.

these are all the people i dragged along for my birthday: laura, martin, sheree, emily and katie. i tried to get them all smiling but someone thought it would be funny to make silly faces.... thanks.

this is a picture of death cab.

and this is another picture of death cab.
my birthday was really fun, as i said. i've been really busy with school finishing up and i haven't been going any cool places really. but in a ocuple of weeks i'll be in paris! and hopefully i can update this thing before then and also before i come home. which is really, really soon.