Monday, February 27, 2006

more cat pictures. and a picture of a cake.

i promise that in a few days i'll have more interesting pictures.

the awesome, awesome cake my friends made for me. the translation is "this is the girl that i love" and it's supposed to be sam neill saying that. this cake has everything that i love: batman, sharks, and sam neill.

merlin looking cool. as usual.

isis again. and in case you wondered, that's my laundry basket.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

cat pictures/ testing my digital camera

now you can see my cats. and how cute they are. and how i'm still not good at using a digital camera. this is isis.

and this is merlin. i am such a dork.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

this is just a test. to see if it works. see the glorious image?